Directed by Hanung Bramantyo (34) is busy preparing for his latest film, The Enlightenment. The film will narrate the journey of life founder of Muhammadiyah, KH Ahmad Dahlan, who admires. "He started fighting at a very young age, 21 years," he said.
Hanung admitted, as a child he often played around the broken and KH Ahmad Dahlan's house in Kampung Kauman, Yogyakarta. "Before him was to shed from disuse," he said.
He admitted that he had back and forth Yogyakarta-Bogor to survey the location shooting. Some locations had to be replaced in Bogor Yogyakarta because it was not appropriate. "Shooting in Malioboro Malioboro moved to Bogor because it was not representative. First Malioboro lot of trees, "he said.
For her latest film, Hanung already took actor Lukman Sardi and Slamet Raharjo. The plan Slamet plays Kiai Khalil KH Kamaludiningrat Kanjeng prince that angrily to the KH Ahmad Dahlan will do the alignment because mecca mosque and mosque.
Lukman who could play the violin because of the information required, KH Ahmad Dahlan is a violinist. While the wife Hanung, Zaskia Mecca, will play Nyi Ahmad Dahlan. "Plan of shooting starts in May and the launch of the film Lebaran this year," he said.
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